Back-To-School Home Organization Tips for Busy Families
Decluttering tips anyone can use
How to create organization “hot spots” in your home
Ways to make the most out of tight spaces
Decluttering tips anyone can use
How to create organization “hot spots” in your home
Ways to make the most out of tight spaces

It’s that time of year again! Kids are boarding their buses and heading back to the classrooms for another year of learning. As for our homes, well, things are already getting a little messy.
With so much going on at the start of the new school year, letting take-home forms and team sports equipment swallow your living room or kitchen can be easy. But establishing a well-organized home environment can foster productivity and success – for students and parents alike! Start your school year off on the right foot by checking out our home organization tips even the busiest of families will appreciate.
Declutter and Donate
The first lesson in back-to-school organization 101: declutter. Sit down with your kids, go through their belongings – we're talking clothes, toys, books, the whole lot – and set aside any item they no longer need or use. Encourage your children to sift through every closet, bin, and basket to find things they could throw away, recycle, or donate to charity. This little exercise won’t just help declutter your child’s room before their schedules get hectic again, but it will also teach them the importance of cleaning up after themselves and giving back to those less fortunate. And most importantly, make sure your child is hands-on in the decision-making process. Let them have the final say in what can stay and what can go (within reason) to develop their organizational and judgment skills.
Plus, you probably need to make room for all their new back-to-school clothes anyway!
Create “Hot Spots”
To ensure your home doesn’t get completely overrun by paperwork or the odd backpack lying on the floor for some reason during the first week back, try creating “hot spots” or areas in your house that can act as a home base for different items or activities.
Let’s start with all that school paperwork.
Form Depot
Pick out a wall, drawer, or corner in your home to be the official residence of all the paperwork your children collect over the course of the week. A wall-mounted file organizer could separate the permission slips you still need to sign from the seemingly endless pile of syllabuses and school newsletters. No matter your storing method, setting up an inbox or folder for each child, where they can place the forms that need your attention, will streamline paper management and keep your home from looking like a Dunder Mifflin warehouse.
Homework Haven
Heading back to school also means the return of homework. Now, that might send shivers down the spine of every kid in your household, but you can help them stay focused and organized during their after-school work time by creating a "homework haven" hot spot inside your home.
Choose a quiet, well-lit, and Wi-Fi supported area to limit distractions, maybe in your office or a guest room, and equip the makeshift learning environment with the materials they need to make their homework a piece of cake. A spacious desk, supportive chair, and ample storage for textbooks, laptops, and pencils should help them finish the job in no time.
Backpack Corner
This last hot spot example is one you and your kids will rely on daily. Keeping track of your kids' backpacks and making sure they're packed and ready to go for the next school day can be a struggle. So, creating a "backpack corner" near your home's entrance where your kids can hang up their bags before they’re off to their bedroom is a fantastic way to collect everything in one place. Hooks or a sturdy coat rack can house their backpacks and lunchboxes after a hard day's work at school.
Next to their bags, hang up a backpack checklist to avoid the morning rush and prevent essential items from being left behind.
Chart Your Morning Routine
Posting a routine chart, perhaps on a dry-erase or chalkboard, can cut down on the sometimes-chaotic time known as school mornings. A visual outline of the tasks your children need to complete before hopping on the school bus, such as brushing their teeth, getting dressed, and packing their lunches, will keep processes organized under a fast and furious time constraint. You could even use colorful stickers or checkmarks so your kids can track their progress throughout the morning. Sticking to a consistent morning routine will eliminate those last-minute scrambles and help your family start the day stress-free.
Optimize Shared Spaces
Pop quiz! What's the best and most efficient way to store school supplies and create more working room for two or more kids? Did you answer to optimize shared spaces? If you did, you're correct! Maximize storage potential with wall-mounted shelves, hanging organizers, or stackable bins in your children's work or study area. Just remember to make it clear which storage space belongs to which sibling, and always respect those boundaries.
Best (School) Year Ever!
By implementing the tips above, you and your family will be well on your way to a happy, successful, and of course, organized school year. No matter what’s in the cards for this upcoming year, your family will be up to the task. And if you find that a new home could be in the cards, don’t shuffle! Reach out today for all your mortgage needs.