5 Home Design Trends to Try This Year
Why the outside is making its way in
The home office’s renaissance
What furniture shapes are “in” right now
Why the outside is making its way in
The home office’s renaissance
What furniture shapes are “in” right now

After spending countless hours in our homes over the years, many of us start to reevaluate our living situations. Do we truly love our home’s location? And is our home in need of any renovations? But most often, we question something we see every day – our homes’ interior designs.
Perhaps the increasingly less appealing color schemes or retro-inspired furniture have begun to wear on us. If you’re tired of your home’s look, now might be the perfect time to try out one of these five home design trends.
Bringing the Outside Inside
One new popular trend emerging is bringing plants and other greenery inside your home’s walls. That way, even when you come back inside, your home still gives you that little slice of nature. Many plants match dark or natural woods, but remember, not every kind of vegetation is suitable for an indoor climate.
Some plants do better indoors than others, so you might want to consider:
Aloe vera
Snake plant
Spider plant
Each of these plants purifies the air in your home, but not all of them are pet friendly. Make sure to read up on the plants’ needs and precautions before you buy.
The Home Office Renaissance
These days, more people than ever are working from home. Understandably, people want and need more than a seat at the dining room table or spot on the sofa for their work area. That’s why comfort and function created a renaissance in the blossoming world of home offices.
Home offices are revamping to be more accommodating and practical for the everyday workday. Better lighting equipment and lumbar-supporting chairs are commonplace. Additionally, desks are no longer the old table you got from your grandmother. They’re wider and more spacious for monitors, laptops, files, and personal photos to help you power through those long hours.
Multifunctional Spaces
These days, we’re all about our items performing more than one function. And that goes for the rooms in our houses, too.
Every corner of your home can serve more than one purpose. And all you have to do is think outside of the box just a little. Kitchens can double as dining rooms, home offices can be in the corner of entertainment or guest rooms, and living rooms are perfect for the baby’s nursery during the day. No one said your decorations are the only thing that can be creative. Get a little more space by doubling up your room’s function.
For some homeowners, there is more furniture than humans in every single room of their home. The growing minimalist approach asks one simple question: why? Why not open up your home’s interior by cutting out all the clunky and space-eating furniture? That way, there’s a little more breathing room for everyone. There has also been a rise in the minimalist approach with regards to furniture’s look. We’re talking lighter and solid colors with no designs, prints, or extravagant textures.
Rounded Shapes
Furniture with sharp edges is not in the hearts of homeowners anymore. Right now, it’s all about curvature in the furniture. Ring-shaped lamps, round tables, and C-shaped sofas are all softer and made for a smoother transition to leisure. Rounded furniture almost creates a rhythm or flow to a room in contrast to their jagged and inflexible counterparts.
Of course, these home trends are not “one-size-fits-all.” But they might be worth trying to see if you prefer them to your current living setup. But who knows, these trends might make you see your home in an entirely new light.