Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Attention to detail is very important to me and Theo has always on it. I felt at ease through the entire process.
Jonathan B.
Recent Homebuyer
Theo is the most efficient loan officer I met I have referred to him and would again when I hear of someone needing a loan.
Homer G. and Darleen G.
Recent Homebuyer
Theo was everything we were looking for and went above and beyond what was expected! He represented your company well and as a result, we would…
Todd E. and Kelly E.
Recent Homebuyer
Theo, Thank you so much for your help with purchasing my first home! You are knowledgeable and helpful, and your input was always appreciated…
Recent Homebuyer
Danice, Bob and Theo, I just wanted to give you a BIG thanks for helping me with this deal! Theo is wonderful, he really stepped up and met my…
Sharon H.
Recent Homebuyer
Theo was very helpful in the entire process. I wouldn't even look at using another person for my next purchase as he would be my first and final…
Jason T
Recent Homebuyer
Theo Delyannis and his coworkers are the absolute best around. Thoughtful, friendly, intelligent, upfront, honest, and most importantly they…
New Home Owner - 29
Fantastic experience during the entire refinancing process. Great information flow and timely responses from the entire team, especially Theo…
David P.
Recent Homebuyer