Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Kelly Krantz provided exceptional service throughout this process. Her knowledge and reassurance enabled a sense of calming confidence unmatched…
Denise R. and Richard R.
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly did a great job as always and I look forward to working with her in the future.
Angie W.
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly is amazing. She helped us with our loan process and it went so smoothly.
Jon H. and Abie H.
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly was extremely professional and very willing to answer any and all questions. She was very quick to respond to all of my concerns.
Debra B.
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly was incredibly forthcoming and informational during the loan acquisition process, she made sure everything was crystal clear and walked us…
G. Bryden
Kelly Krantz, senior mortgage banker at Atlantic Bay, combines highlydeveloped business-smarts with Southern charm and great patience. My wife…
Mike Gallant
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly was wonderful to work with and was there throughout the whole process, even accompanied us to closing. We would use Kelly again.
Shawna S. and James S.
Recent Homebuyer
Kelly was friendly, knowledgeable, professional and kept us apprised if everything in the process.
Cathi A.
Recent Homebuyer